M 'tchete

  A smart Miqo with a pride problem. M’tchete loves a good challenge.  


  name    m'tchete tyatu.
  alias    tchete, m'tchete
  age    26 years.
  sex    intersex.
  pronouns    she/they.
  species    miqo'te.
  birthdate    6th umbral moon, 20th day.
  sexuality    unlabled, fem lean.
  mbti    INTP.
  alignment    lawful neutral.


M’tchete is an extremely clean Miqo. She adores having everything organized. Not to mention, her scholarly self excels at most tasks. She can plan things perfectly. Tchete is certainly persuasive as well.
Unable to not take a challenge, she certainly needs to be humbled. Her proud nature is extremely evident in everyday speech. Not to mention, M’tchete’s curiosity has gotten her in trouble a few times.
Because of Miqo’te nature, she can be very fickle when it comes to decisions. Complicated situations often happen when she speaks. Due to her blunt nature, she either holds her tongue or says something as it is.


  strength    ❀ ❀
  constitution    ❀ ❀ ❀
  dexterity    ❀ ❀ ❀
  intelligence    ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀
  wisdom    ❀ ❀ ❀


  height    5'5 (165 cm.)
  weight    167 lbs (75 kg.)
  body shape    pear, bottom heavy
  eyes    yellow - blue.
  hair    black - dark brown.
  notable marks    chimera/split face.
  scars    burn across face.
  languages    english.
  ethnicity    mixed
  voiceclaim    lady maria from bloodborne [french va: fily keita]


  childhood .   M'sutu Rahz, daughter to M'rahz Nunh, was a fickle miqo'te. She was graceful and a hopeless romantic. She dreamed often of finding someone. So, when a strapping man named K'tyatu Tia came to woo her to secure his position.. You could predict what happened.K'tyatu Tia had the woman eating out of his palm by the time he went to challenge her father. It wasn't to be. The Tia was swiftly defeated and was accidentally given a lethal wound. He swiftly perished. Thus, leaving M'Sutu alone and with child. It certainly didn't help M'sutu's case that Garlemald was encroaching on Gyr Abania. The Miqo'te fled toward Limsa Lominsa with all she could carry. Mostly out of fear from the Empire as well as social scorn.M'sutu, once settled in Limsa, gave birth to a relatively healthy baby girl. No longer alone, the babe was named "M'tchete Tyatu." She was more animal than most Miqo'te, but Sutu saw it as a punishment of sorts for her own misdeeds and foolishness.M'tchete was a quiet child, enlightened by stories of triumph. She read folklore involving beings called "Primals". How they feasted on aether and had powers of gods. Garuda in particular was her favorite.Her mother fed into her desires to learn more. Buying books, scrolls, and more. After all, it distracted M'tchete from learning about her origins. All she was told was that the Empire caused them to run, taking out most of her home. M'tchete hated the Garlean Empire for that and their declaration to eradicate all Eikons. The same went for those responsible for summonings.As her curiosity grew, so did the crave to know her origins. M'Sutu took to desperate measures. She lead her daughter on with a 'coming of age ritual' and made her take an oath to never ask about her origins again. M'tchete accepted the proposal as long as she got to participate. Thus, resulting on a scarring upon the girl's nose bridge. Seared in crudely with a fire-poker. A branding that would never fade. She was proud of it. She was proud of herself, and not at all humble about it. The brand upon her face healed nicely. M'tchete continued her research upon the eikons. Her knack for knowledge landed her in the studium.

  adolecence .   Upon arrival in the studium, m'tchete found herself enthralled with the study of summoning and eikons. while it was a taboo topic, she sought out awareness through information.Her professors disliked the ideas she had to say the least. More often than not, Tchete found herself in hot water a few times with her essays. Despite this, her curiousity was encouraged heavilly. Only, it was encouraged to keep her knowledge to herself and Sharlayan.They did not cooperate.While being a student on the straight and narrow, she briefly met Valorie. The lalafell was facinating to her, but sadly she was unable to make an ally. The reason? She had written a controversial essay shortly after Valorie's arrival."Primals: An Essay" was a study on eikons in their entirety. The information was detailed. It had accounts of multiple eikons, major and minor. Not to mention the ways they could be summoned. This was the final straw for Sharlayan and the miqo'te was expelled from thr Studium. Her paper never really got to see the light of day after that, having been locked in the archives.

  adulthood .   She wasn't really the same after that. Yet the study did take the interest of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. They took a role in the organization.WIP


  GYOSEI FUJIWARA   . friend . at first, they may seem like an odd pair, but gyosei is one of m'tchete's greatest friends. even if he and lalamint are complict in mischief. she is the brain to his brawn so to speak. they also often tease eachother in a playful manner.  MINT 'LALAMINT' SPHERE   . friend . due to hidden information, m'tchete has a lot of rumors about the reason why she was expelled. most students (current and former) may have heard the gossip.  BARRON ROSE   . rival . barron and tchete are also decent friends. though rivals is a more accurate term. they often make bets with one another and tend to sometimes butt heads.  VALORIE NEMU   . friend . both are rather booksmart rather than streetsmart. m'tchete and valorie's relationship is friendly despite the strain when they were both in the studium. they both adore books and are excellent mages in their own right. val often has to hold her back from making bets.  RHEL SOL'NE   . crush . m'tchete is absoultely smitten with rhel. she wants to take things slow, but her heart keeps lurching toward her. her normally somewhat stoic expressions seem to bloom around her.

Roleplay Hooks

  scars are forever  ㅤm'tchete has a large burn across her features. she never really talks about it unless prompted. all scars have a story!
  sharlayan's traitor  ㅤdue to hidden information, m'tchete has a lot of rumors about the reason why she was expelled. most students (current and former) may have heard the gossip. most seem to lean toward her wanting to summon on eikon. perhaps you could try to get the full truth?
  the looks  ㅤshe is rather.. monsterous looking. at least for a miqo'te. paws for feet, thin whiskers, and elongated claws. on top of that, her face is split in two colors. perhaps there is a reason?
  stone-faced  ㅤm'tchete has resting bitch face and tends to stare. is she glaring at you? who knows at this point, maybe you should ask?
  a good challenge  ㅤthe miqo adores making bets. she is also extremely true to her word if she has a loss. perhaps to get a conversation going you could bet something?